Connections, Empathy, Reflection

My Leadership Change 2016 – 2017


“Leadership is not about being in charge. Leadership is about taking care of those in your charge.” (Sinek 9)


The end of the 2016 school year I made the decision to work as Head of Grade 11. The past few years I served as Head of Grade 9. It made sense because I taught only Grade 9 students.  As an Upper School we made a shift in our Advisory System. As a result I was faced with leaving my advisory group that I had served for two years or start with a set of new 9th graders. I made the decision to stick with my 11th grade students and serve as Head of Grade 11.

I knew for many Upper Schoolers 11 grade year was the most difficult. Many students take between 3 -6 Advanced Placement courses. They realize this is the last year colleges will see a full year of coursework. They also spend hours prepping for ACT or SAT testing. I wanted to gain a better understanding of the 11th grade process.

What I did not prepare for is the test that I would be facing.  This year has me examining my leadership skills, my ability to listen and truly gain understanding and has me analyzing my negotiation methods.     It has been a struggle at times but I can see things getting better.  Some of my HOG duties: 

  1. Mentoring new teachers.
  2. Instructional Rounds/Learning Walks.
  3. Shepherding grade 11 students.
  4. Assisting team members with goals.
  5. Facilities Parent – Teacher – Student meetings.

One need to do highlight and celebrate the Brightspots


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